Various artists from around the world have created artwork to honor the wrongfully convicted. Below are a few samples of the beautiful artwork that has been crafted to bring awareness to wrongful conviction.
Leighton Hay, portrait by Terra Hazelton
Tammy Marquardt, portrait by Nicolle Lalonde
Thomas Sophonow, portrait by Alex Miceli
Frank Ostrowski, portrait by Janice Poltrick Donato
Dinesh Kumar, portrait by Alex Wong
Maria Shepherd, portrait by Hieram
William Mullins-Johnson, portrait by Chaileen Kim
Romeo Phillion, portrait by Sean Carrie
Steven Truscott, portrait by Blend Cota
David Milgaard, portrait by Ally Flinn
Donald Marshall Jr., portrait by Laura Simon
Guy Paul Morin, portrait by Alexandre Evgrafov
Réjean Hinse, portrait by Sara Bimo
Rob Baltovich, portrait by Sarah Hickey
O'Neil Blackett, portrait by Allysha Vegneiux
Jim Driskell, portrait by Sara Bimo
Anthony Hanemaayer, portrait by Alice Cooper
Ron Dalton, portrait by Fiona Sarazin