A Lawyer’s Personal Inspiration: Clinton Young
The article published to the Texas Observer highlights the personal relationship between Merel Pontier and Clinton Young. When Pontier first heard about Young’s case, she was a law student in the Netherlands. Immediately intrigued by his story, Pontier was inspired to help. Growing up and studying law in the Netherlands meant Pontier was accustomed to a criminal justice system geared towards rehabilitation; she was understandably shocked and unnerved at the thought of an innocent man being put to death. Starting as written correspondence between Pontier and Young, a true friendship was born, and over the course of many years, Pontier has since established the US chapter of the ‘Clinton Young foundation’ and is now working as one of Young’s attorneys. Pontier’s article reflects on her personal interactions and friendship with Young, and serves to highlight the havoc wreaked on individuals who fall victim to the faults of the Criminal Justice System.
More information can be found at: https: https://www.texasobserver.org/an-irreversible-sentence/